Nicholas Ward
Bradford, PA
For our Digital Design class, we were challenged to create a poster reflecting both our story and how we have been impacted by being part of Gen Z. I chose to focus on how the things that make me happy have been uplifted by technological parts of our generation, such as social media and entertainment services.
Leila Ciccarelli
Pottstown, PA
This is a simple poster that highlights one of the most prominent aspects of Gen Z: our obsession with technology. It references our habit of staying up late watching screens.
Jeffrey Hinojosa
Yonkers, NY
Snapchat spectacles that has a small 180 camera on the edge that uploads to your snapchat story.
Jeffrey Hinojosa
Yonkers, NY
The first edition was released around the globe through snapchat vending machines.
Tawana Freeman
Capitol Heights, MD
Gen-Z doesn’t remember the world without technology because they came to the game pretty late. Technology makes Gen-Z the social media motivated, diverse, activist humans they are. The stickers on my computer are just as important because they show the era of Gen-Z; the shows, the movies, the dance crazes- it all represents us.
Tyler Gates
Pittsburgh, PA
This is a computer that I like to do programming on. I also use it to play video games. I chose it because it is a piece of technology and technology is stereotypical for Gen-Z.
Basile Boss
Boonsboro, MD
An isolated workspace connected to people, places, things, and ideas that you may never see. Isolation can become creation while we sit in our own spaces isolated together
Kameo Chambers
Philadelphia, PA
There is one object that every Gen-Zer is attached to and that object is our phone. Personally, I have had a plethora of phones growing up so I wanted to show the evolution of phones that I’ve used through the ages.
Marcus Zhan
Pittsburgh, PA
The iPhone is a type of technology. It is a small rectangular prism. The rectangular prism has a screen and inside the prism is a computer chip. This makes the iPhone seem like a screen with a computer brain.
Jarrett Didawick
Hancock, MD
I feel like everyone is glued to their phone, you can’t go anywhere and find a teenager not on their phone without them people don’t know what to do.
Dorothy Crow
Pittsburgh, PA
I chose a Webkinz because it was a frequently used toy in my childhood. It mixed a traditional stuffed animal with the innovation of an online game.
Dorothy Crow
Pittsburgh, PA
I think this item is significant for my generation because it was one of the first things that held its true value online.
Macson Lindsey
Leon, IA
I would like to include the printing press so people can learn about what it is and what it was used for back in the old days.
Macson Lindsey
Leon, IA
I would like to include a newspaper in the Gen-Z time capsule because I think this newspaper is cool and meaningful since my dad has kept it for so many years.
Zach Eby
Hagerstown, MD
This is a 2010 dodge cummins, it is going to be my hauling truck to tow my 4 other vehicles because they will not be road legal.
Tony Harshman
Hagerstown, MD
Some Gen-Zers drive clapped out civics and think they are cool with all the mods and upgrades. They also put bags on their wheels and lower the suspension.
Kia Broussard
Dallas, TX
I bought this Squishmallow headphone and a Pride speaker at Five and Below. I believe these objects represent Gen-Z as consumers. Our parents would believe we are wasting out money and roll their eyes. However, a good portion of Gen-Z would wish they had them; not for their intended uses but for display.