Katelyn Jones
Lititz, PA
My project is about how right now the world seems to be an arms length away from me and I can’t reach it. I am longing to be in Sweden with my partner and pursuing my dreams, but the world keeps pulling me by the ropes backwards.
Christine Troll
Somerset, PA
This is a watercolor painting that I created from a still life I organized including my own personal objects that kept me sane during the initial Covid-19 lockdown and the following months. I think that these objects represent activities that many of my fellow Gen-Zers have also engaged in to get through the pandemic. I write my own music and create visual art, which the guitar, blank book, pencils, and can of paint brushes helped depict. I included sneakers and a vast scene of nature on the guitar to depict the longing to go back outside and explore.
Andrea Hernandez
Canyon, TX
As someone that is part of Gen Z, I’ve had the privilege to grow up seeing my favorite superheroes on TV and on the big screen. Growing up we had the 3 different versions of Spider-Man on the big screen , Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland. We first see Tobey Maguire in our early ages. By our teens we have Andrew Garfield and in our 20s we have Tom Holland. As we grew up the character seems to be getting younger in appearance. Spider-Man is a super hero in which I can say made Gen Z what we are.
Rebecca Schlenker
Friona, TX
This is a project that involves essentially a brief overview of the items that were close to me as I grew up. This has many things such as stuffed animals, my dogs toy, my rock collection, my Bible, and my handheld gaming consoles.
Hunter Sostakowski
Rew, PA
This piece explains a moment when most of our lives were being viewed through the lens of a camera due to Covid-19. The rock and leaf represent the outdoors that are being looked at from the camera, which is being affected by Covid-19, which is represented by the mask.
Kiera Grozowski
Rochester, NY
My artwork shows a scene of relaxation and my daily activities when Covid first hit. This image holds a lot of my favorite things such as my tattoos, anime, plants, ear pods, trusty water bottle, potatoes, and my bible.
Alexis Brown
Bradford, PA
This painting represents the life of a nurse for the past year throughout COVID. As a nurse, it seems as if this year has revolved around this pandemic, with coffee as our biggest supporter to get through our shifts
Bailley Taggart
Eldred, PA
This piece describes my daily life as a nursing student in college. Although I am not a registered nurse yet, it has always been a dream of mine. I created this piece to remind myself to never give up and keep working hard.
Thomas Cook
Williamsport, MD
This is a dragon that is cool and took me three days to draw. I like to draw stuff like this because it inspires me to become an artist.
Abigail Mosier
Kersey, PA
Abigail Mosier
Kersey, PA
Abigail Mosier
Kersey, PA
“don’t snap.” is a series on inner containment of the multitudes of external pressures we experience as Gen. Z and as members of the human race. It symbolizes resilience to remain alive in the now, an internal ebb and flow in progression toward necessary change, as well as the hindrance that a complacent comfort zone can provide. “don’t snap.” intensifies questions around what it means to exist freely through means of systematic confinement. What freedoms are found within limitations, and how can this shape the world that we want to live in?
*Photography: Kayla Shutters
*Editing & Subject: Abigail Mosier
Matt Rice
Oakmont, PA
This is a silkscreened T-shirt I made at the Andy Warhol Museum. I’d like everyone to recognize how we all were accepted at the Warhol summer camp.
Matt Rice
Oakmont, PA
Silkscreening, hanging with all kinds of art medium while we learned about the past.
Matt Rice
Oakmont, PA
We look forward to you laughing at our pics and attempts at duplicating Warhol!
Rachel Skoczlas
Bridgeville, PA
My artwork represents the transition to experiencing “runner’s high” coming out of your run. The left side represents how you feel during the run and the right side represents how I would be represent how a “runner’s high” feels to someone who hasn’t experienced one.
Nikko Poole
Pittsburgh, PA
This is a piece of abstract art I made while being in quarantine. I filled the gloves with water to give them more range in motion and movement in the photo. As someone from Gen- Z I think having quarantine art is a big part of this generation now due to this pandemic.
Andrew Davis-Ledesma
Las Vegas, NV
I would like this to be submitted because it is inspired by my favorite and band, and I usually listen to music while I draw. Art and music has gotten me through tough times.
Sebastian Mull
Pittsburgh, PA
This piece is my interpretation of the fight between Zeus, the king of the greek gods, and Typhon, a monster who threatened the destruction of the gods. The background is anachronistic, as roads would not have looked like that in ancient Greece. This piece was made in 2019. I was interested in the subject due to Rick Riordan books I had read growing up, who is still one of my favorite authors. Many people of my generation also grew up reading these books and becoming interested in Greek mythology.
Kaleb Parks
Spring Valley, IL
I saw this really rad vandalized sign while walking the trails by a local canal and thought it described my generation perfectly. Not a single f*** was given.
Dashaun Fleming
Philadelphia, PA
This is a photo of my very own clothing manufacturing shop that my father and I started 10 years ago in a back room of our home.
Soiyer Smith
Van Wert, IA
I bought 2 packs of buttons and have sewn them on to an old washcloth for fun. I got poked several times by the needle but enjoyed the process.
Maxwell de Liberato
Ontario, Canada
An artistic drawing, drawn from the simplicity of lines. There is minimal shading, but used in a clever minimalist manner. This generation looks more to future parties than we look to our own futures, when you’re at the cusp of the older generation like myself (The artist) you see how the past generations drew a line to the same limelight of the atmosphere. Hence the consistency in the eye design. Hypnotized in the party.
Grant Gould
Grand River, IA
I drew a picture of a character called Sans. He is a bad/good guy in a show called Undertale. He has 2 forms of character.
Remington Christofis
Leon, IA
Legos are very entertaining during quarantine, being able to build them just by going to the store and picking up a lego kit… you can get them from just about everywhere.
Kaitlyn Riehle
Olean, NY
These are my very first resin pieces that I made while quarantined during the COVID-19 pandemic. I began doing resin art to express my creativity while I was forced to stay inside. I created 4 iridescent pieces; the first piece is a coffin trinket box. The coffin lid shown on the left, not on the coffin box, was my first attempt at making a lid. I wasn’t pleased with the result due to the air bubbles. The second attempt of the coffin lid is displayed on top of the coffin box. The last piece is the small skeleton hand.
Caitlyn Seibert
Smithsburg, MD
I make custom tumblers for fun but I also felt this was relevant to the Gen-Z Time Capsule because our generation is so creative. I think it’s really important to showcase our creativity.
Chase Elmquist
Sugar Grove, PA
Tribute poster to the sacrifices that my grandfather’s generation made, while also making the connection of how the lives of my generation were changed at such an influential age.
Marianyelis Jimenez
Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico
I was inspired by the quote from Antoine De Saint-Exupery’s book “The Little Prince”. I think is common in not just Gen Z but in all generations to look back with nostalgia at the things we used to do as kids. My piece tries to bring that enjoyment back, since as a generation we’ve been more accepting of people in their adulthood playing games, watching cartoons, and collecting toys. What better way to express that than with a timeless story like “The Little Prince”, that embodies that acceptance, as inspiration.
Haley Tuller
Warren, PA
I feel that this painting captures many important things for both myself and the Gen Z generation. Our consumerism nature is seen through the designer bag and the Starbucks logo. It also pulls in our technological side with the phone. The phone case relates to me specifically, as it is the veterinarian symbol, which is the career path I am pursuing. Finally, the mask that is socially distanced from the rest of the still life relates to both the pandemic and my love for animals.
Miranda Fischer
Kersey, PA
The objects drawn in the image I feel explain the year of Covid-19 I had. I show my tattoos, tarot cards, my first dose of vaccine and Lysol. I feel like this work encapsulates what a large event in the lives of Gen Z’s this was.
Basirat Omotesho
Sicklerville, NJ
I wanted to show a little idea and taste of what this generation is about.I feel like it explains a lot about the generation .
Emily Egger
Warren, PA
Still-life objects that remind me of Gen Z and represents the generation as a whole. They consist of sports, trophies, thermometers (for Covid), and AirPods.
Alexander Rodriguez
Bradford, PA
This is a drawing of a collection of items used in my basketball practice routine including my shoes a basketball and a medicine ball all used throughout my practice plan.
Hajan Carr
Cape Elizabeth, Maine
This is a painting that describes the two different paths I see our earth heading towards. With our recycling habits and the way we treat the planet, one of these two worlds could easily be possibilities.
Luca Schein-Becker
Collegeville, PA
This poster reveals a little bit about me, I chose the word stoic because i see myself as a stoic person. The Japanese writing is a tattoo that I have.
Destiny Davis
Brookhaven, PA
This is artwork of famous, powerful black women that has directly inspired, molded and sparked my interests through entertainment and politics. These women can be easily recognized by the Generation Z population.
Aubrie Shrubb
Kersey, PA
This watercolor piece is centered around interests and hobbies I enjoy that have been a part of my life. I’ve reflected on these during the time of COVID-19 and being in quarantine.
Janis Coto-Williams
Pittsburgh, PA
I love afro arts I decided to do my own spin on it and I would love to share it with the rest of the world.
Jess Jordan
St. Mary's, PA
This is a drawing I created based on items that are relevant and important to me. My water bottle, bracelet, and chapstick are things I never leave the house without. The poetry book is the newest one to my collection since I love reading/writing poetry. The small card painting is the album cover of one of my favorite bands (LANY). The magic 8Ball is something I’ve had since I was a child.
Maya Nill
Pittsburgh, PA
I chose this pointe shoe because I am a dancer and enjoy art and dancing. I chose to put it in the Gen-Z Time Capsule because it shows more about me and I know dancing is a popular activity in this generation.
Kendra Hubler
Little Genessee, NY
This is a painting of a character called Yoshi, flower headbands, and a colorful notebook with part of a rainbow flag in the background. This captures me as someone born part of Gen-Z.
Cassea Galbreath
North East, PA
The objects I chose were in my dorm room at college. I got my switch at the beginning of quarantine and it really helped me get through it. I collect Doc Martens and my white 1460s were the first pair I ever owned.
Cassea Galbreath
North East, PA
The rainbow is actually my AirPods case, but I am a part of the LGBTQIA+ community and I wanted to include something to represent that because it is a huge part of me. The water bottle is my Nalgene and the stickers on it are very representative of my personality. The cloud is just for composition.
Grace Millsap
Azle, TX
For this project, I developed patterns, textures, color studies, and more from a pink bivalve. This shell was a gift from my dad, who has played a major role in both my growth as an artist and as a wildlife biologist.
Grace Millsap
Azle, TX
This entry was originally a project for a design class of mine, I decided to submit it because nature and art are both extremely important to me and to Gen-Z as a whole.
Dylan Lara
Amarillo, TX
The image is a colored drawing I did of my little cousin.
Dylan Lara
Amarillo, TX
I drew inspiration of this piece to recreate it as a collage.
Thomas Perez
Canyon, TX
I chose to submit this drawing, because I think it does a good job of representing this connection that I feel Gen-Z has with art and death. I feel as though we as a generation are more connected and open to the idea of death, more so than other generations.
Stormy Chavez
Canyon, TX
It may not mean much to some but to me it was something of a turning point for my middle school self and what I had read or used to read.
Stormy Chavez
Canyon, TX
My first and definitely not my last.
Ajia Talton
Dallas, TX
Under Tokyo represents a future that I can imagine us living in, where instead of letting the idea of living underwater due to global warning, we learn to accept it as our new normal.
Christiana Dickson
Canyon, TX
This piece represents how we as a generation would rather “jump” into a book (or social media) to distract us from the reality that our world is coming to.
Cree Lespierre
Canyon, TX
A broken soul trying to find her peace in the midst of trial. Gloomy days find the slightest sunshine. All it takes is to look and it was there all along. My past and present always have broken pieces to me I’d love to see myself whole in the future.
Olivia Matthews
Benbrook, TX
These two objects are important to me. I’ve had the puppy for as long as I can remember, getting it before I even turned two years old. So it’s always been with me. The dragon is a custom stuffed animal that I had made of my original character.
It's important to me because it represents me as a YouTuber and my fascination for dragons.
Special Plushies
Madilyn Ballew
Amarillo, TX
I created this artwork under the teaching of Anna Lemnitzer. This is a collage using vectors, patterns, and a variety of other mediums.
DeAndre jones
Amarillo, TX
I am submitting a photo bashed landscape project I am very proud of. I think it’s some my best work digitally and I hope to to take my talents to new heights.
Karime Gomez
Amarillo, TX
Gen Z is very involved in caring for and preserving our environment and our planet. This is a photobash digital illustration of Mother Earth evolved beyond humans, where the planets have all evolved.