Saturday, December 9, 2023, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Photo by Sean Carroll
Our Youth Arts Council presents its Winter Teen Night for 2023. Winter Teen Night is designed to connect youth from around the Pittsburgh region for a night of art, music, dancing, and food! Youth Arts Council is a yearlong leadership program that invites a small team of high school students from across the Pittsburgh region that share a passion for the arts. Participants will get a behind the scenes look at how the museum operates. This free event is open to youth ages 13–18. Space is limited.
Co-presented with Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh Membership
The Youth Art’s Council’s Winter Teen Night is generously supported by The Grable Foundation.
Teen Membership is generously supported by The Grable Foundation and the Robert and Mary Weisbrod Foundation.
Community Access Membership is presented by: