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Sound Series: Hypercube

Saturday, February 18, 2017, 8 p.m.

Four members of Hypercube standing on a councrete building roof in front of a water tower behind them, also on the roof. From left to right, a man in a hat holds a guitar, a woman holds a saxaphone, a women stands arms to her sides, a man stands holding percussion mallets.

A quartet of saxophone, guitar, piano, and percussion, Hypercube combines elements of chamber music and experimental rock. Performing a challenging, cutting-edge repertoire, with a “sense of ensemble that is not to be rivaled” (Sequenza 21), Hypercube is at home in both electric and acoustic worlds.

Free parking is available in The Warhol lot.

This performance is co-presented with the Music on the Edge series of the University of Pittsburgh Department of Music.

Sound Series

Sound Series is an ongoing concert series featuring internationally touring contemporary artists and bands from around the world. Learn more about our Sound Series.