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Schlumpy Funk Film Screening

Friday, November 22, 2024, 69 p.m.

A black and white image of a person with long black hair putting on a hat. There are various images and lines hand-drawn in white in the background of the photo.

Photo by Laura Jean McLaughlin and Stephen Seliy

Join us for filmmaker and photographer Stephen Seliy’s 30-minute documentary Schlumpy Funk, an art movement started by artist Laura Jean McLaughlin with origins in the Surrealist, Dada, and Funk movements. Laura Jean McLaughlin is a ceramic sculptor, printmaker, and mosaic artist. Her carved porcelain mural titled JULIA, located on an exterior wall of The Warhol, was inspired by Andy Warhol’s mother, Julia Warhola. This event is in collaboration with our learning & public engagement department.

  • Doors open at 5:30 p.m.


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